
envelopes from michael.

some of you may recall how incredibly creative/romantic/cute my boyfriend is...
and how we are doing long distance for 2.5 months while i'm in istanbul...

let me just say, it's hard. so so hard. i'm really trying to soak up all that istanbul (and the summer camp) have to offer...
but i miss mike so much, my heart hurts. a lot.

but when my dearest sends me things like this in the mail, it makes my heart feel much better:

an envelope for each day i'm at camp.
(to give myself a little credit, the night before i left, i stayed up until 3am making mike an envelope for every day i'm gone. 
oh we're good to each other.)
oh i love him. very very much.


  1. That is absolutely adorable of the two of u!!! Your in Istanbul? That's so cool! I hope the letters help you out!! That's such love. Cute post!

  2. i just smiled, this is so sweet (and cute) :)

  3. Seriously, that is the most romantic thing! It's nice to know that such love and attention exist in this world! Hope you are having a blast! xo

  4. that is sooo stinkin cute! while my hubby and i were dating, i studied abroad for five months and i remember he sent me a mixed cd with a bunch of songs that were significant to us. he wrote out a lengthy blurb for each song talking about the memories associated with each. it was the sweetest thing ever. i still have the letters today :)

  5. you two are made for each other.

  6. Awwwwww I think I love him too. This is truly romantic!

  7. so adorable.

    my mom did this for me the first time i went to europe for 3 weeks. so special and something you'll cherish forever.

    adorable blog! keep up the good work ;)


  8. oh my goodness how perfectly adorable!!!! what a keeper!

  9. that is SO sweet! It makes me happy to see people do things like this :)


thanks so much for writing! i love hearing from you!
